wysiwyg.js - 12k contenteditable-editor
‚wysiwyg.js‘ is a (uglified) 12k contenteditable-editor with no dependencies.
It does only: * Transforms any HTML-element into contenteditable * onSelection-event: e.g. to open a toolbar * onKeyDown/Press/Up-events: e.g. to handle hotkeys * onPlaceholder-event: show/hide a placeholder * handle popups * .bold(), .forecolor(), .inserthtml(), … functions
It works with: * Internet Explorer 6+ * Firefox 3.5+ * Chrome 4+ * Safari 3.1+
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There is also a (uglified) 10k jQuery-plugin ‚$.wysiwyg()‘ – plus (minified) 2k CSS -
to create a featured editor which depends on:
* wysiwyg.js
* jQuery
* FontAwesome (or JPG/PNG/GIF/SVG images)
The toolbar is easy to extend – e.g. smiley, fontname and fontsize buttons below.
To enable autocomplete set an onAutcomplete() callback (try ‚@‘ in the examples).
It is used on a website with 300M page impressions a month.
GITHUB: https://github.com/wysiwygjs/wysiwyg.js
DEMO: http://wysiwygjs.github.io/